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Dewarping Plug-in

Dewarping Plug-in

  • This plug-in allows you to dewarp H.264 video streams that are provided by a Bosch panoramic camera.
0,00 zł
Najniższa cena produktu w okresie 30 dni przed wprowadzeniem obniżki
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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
Ten produkt nie jest dostępny w sklepie stacjonarnym
Bezpieczne zakupy
Dewarping Plug-in - This plug-in allows you to dewarp H.264 video streams that are provided by a Bosch panoramic camera. The Bosch Dewarping Plug-in for Milestone XProtect� video management software (VMS) products enriches the XProtect� Smart Client with the capability to dewarp H.264 video streams that are provided by a Bosch panoramic camera. The algorithm is calibrated automatically once a properly configured stream is received. Once a properly configured H.264 video stream is received, the algorithm is calibrated automatically - the plug-in incorporates GPU based processing and is able to operate in CPU mode as a fallback. The seamless integration in the Milestone XProtect also allows the plug-in to be used in exported video material - snapshots and report printing are available as well. Two different installers are available: � Bosch_DewarpingPlugin_x86_1.1.exe (32-bit installer for the 32-bit XProtect Smart Client) � Bosch_DewarpingPlugin_x64_1.1.exe (64-bit installer for the 64-bit XProtect Smart Client) The current versions of both installers can be downloaded from Bosch webpages.
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